How To Respond To Unwanted Parenting Advice
Strangers, family members, and friends all tend to feel comfortable making comments and suggestions to moms that are entirely unwarranted. Whether or not you’re looking for advice, they have no problem giving it!
For the most part, these people are coming from a good place with positive intentions. Whether they’ve already raised children and want to help or can’t help impressing their opinions on you, you can handle this type of unwarranted advice in quite a few ways.
In this post, we’re sharing different ways to respond to unwanted parenting advice, ranging from snarky to serious, funny, and lighthearted. You can use these as inspiration or choose which response style feels best for you.
Be Snarky
Snark is defined as critical or mocking comments that are made in a sarcastic way.
Many parents choose to respond with snark because they’re annoyed by the people directing advice their way—snark is a very common response style to unwarranted parenting advice. When parents respond with snark, the other person can usually pick up on the sarcasm and won’t continue.
Here are some clever, snarky responses:
- Wow! You must be the first person ever to suggest that to a new parent!
- How has anyone raised a child without your helpful advice?
- When did you get a PhD in parenting?
- I didn’t know I was talking to Google. You really do know everything!
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Be Serious
Some people will only take a hint if you are stern and serious about not wanting or needing their advice. In this case, here are a few serious responses you can try.
- I appreciate you sharing your advice, but we are comfortable with our approach and are not looking for anyone else’s opinion on how to raise our child.
- Our doctor told us to follow this approach, so that’s what we’re doing.
- That’s actually incorrect/ outdated information, and here’s why.
- Maybe you chose to do those things with your child, but we’re going in a different direction.
More comeback ideas: Funny Ways To Say You Aren’t Pregnant
Be Silly
Silly responses may break the tension in the room if you’re feeling uncomfortable or irritated by the advice. In that case, try these silly responses to avoid blowing your lid:
- I’ve had 9+ months to prepare for this baby, and you’ve taught me more in 2 minutes through this conversation than my entire pregnancy!
- Don’t you think things have changed since you were pregnant in the Stone Age? (great response for a mother-in-law or grandparent.)
- Oh, this is actually my 12th child. I think I know what I’m doing.
- I know I look stressed, but I’m actually loving every minute of this temper tantrum!
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Be Polite
If you prefer to lead with kindness in these situations, go for it! Opt for polite, patient responses like the following:
- Thank you, we’ll consider that.
- That makes sense; I will ask our pediatrician.
- I appreciate your input, but we’ve got it covered.
- This may not be the right way for you, but it’s working great for us.
Related post: Sharp & Nice Comebacks For Childfree Comments and Questions
Be Positive
Most people respond well to positivity because it shows you are confident in your abilities and aren’t looking for any help. In this case, lead with these positive responses:
- Don’t worry, we got this!
- Thanks for sharing your advice — I’ll think about it.
- I’m not losing sleep over it, so neither should you.
- We’re actually really happy with how things are going.
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Tips on Handling Unwanted Parenting Advice
From strangers on the street to your mother-in-law, advice comes from all angles when you have a new baby. Here are a few general rules to follow as you navigate the waters of unsolicited advice.
Listen first.
Sometimes, people just want to say their peace and move on. If this is the case, consider yourself lucky! Listen, nod, and tune them out entirely if you need to. You may learn something; its a 50/50 chance!
Be respectful.
Aside from light, harmless snark, you should still aim to be respectful when responding to other people’s advice. Whether it’s a stranger or your least favorite relative, being rude or disrespectful won’t help the situation either.
Avoid if possible.
Some scenarios may be tolerable, while others need to be diffused ASAP. If the latter is the case, try to redirect the conversation in a different direction. Offer your relative or friend a cup of coffee, or simply excuse yourself from the conversation.
Educate yourself.
You can confidently correct bad advice or information by quoting a book, a recent study, or your pediatrician’s advice. Try something like, “Actually, the latest research on [XYZ] shows that this information is outdated,” and see how quickly that quiets them down.
Change the subject.
In many cases, people just like to hear themselves talk. If the parenting advice triggers you, try to steer clear and change the subject. Ask about something unrelated or say, “Let’s change the subject before I get overwhelmed.”
More ideas: Funny & Safe Comebacks For Unsolicited Parenting Advice
Final Thoughts on How To Respond To Unwanted Parenting Advice
At the end of the day, you are the parent, and you know what’s best for your baby. Some people just want to give their advice, while others genuinely believe they know best (even if they don’t have a clue).
You have every right to walk away if a stranger in a store is talking at you without letting you get a word in. For relatives and friends, practicing patience and kindness may be the best route to handle their advice. Do what works best for you and your sanity. You got this!
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