Names That Mean Disaster (43 Ideas for Boys and Girls)
You have the misfortune of reading a torrent of names meaning disaster! I hope you didn’t wind up here by accident, that would be quite distressing.
Puns aside, let’s check out some names!
Girl Names That Mean Disaster
These girl names meaning disaster are anything but disasters! Many of these misfortunate names are elegant and unique.
In Sanskrit, Anaya means misfortune, adversity. What an unfortunate meaning for such a beautiful name meaning disaster!
Ashni means lightning in Hindi. I love this Sanskrit name!
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Ate is the Greek goddess of ruin, blind folly, and delusion. Her name shares the same meaning as her aspects.
In Lithuanian, Audra means storm. It can also be a variation of the name Audrey.
In Turkish, Aysel means moon flood. A beautiful name meaning disaster!
Allegedly, Creiddyla is Welsh for flood of blood and is the origin of the name Cordelia.
The unique name Farja means fiery in Esperanto.
Gwenllian is Welsh for white flood.
In Germanic mythology, Hariasa is a goddess whose name means army, battle. She was a goddess of armies and wars.
Hephaestine comes from the Greek word for volcano, and is related to the god of volcanoes, Hephaestus.
According to Greek mythology, Oizys was the spirit of misery, woe, distress and suffering. As you might guess, her name means misery, woe, or distress.
According to the dictionary, Temerity is an excellent name meaning disaster
1: unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : RASHNESS, RECKLESSNESS
2: a rash or reckless act
Merriam Webster
It is actually given to a handful of American girls each year!
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Boy Names That Mean Disaster
And here are boy names meaning disaster. While many come from Greek, we found ideas ranging from Old Norse to Chinese and South African!
In Hebrew, Abbadon means ruin, destruction. He is also an angel of the abyss.
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Acheron comes from the Greek word for river of woe.
Angaaetau means the ways of war in the Tonga language.
You may be familiar with Ares, the bloodthirsty Greek god of war. But did you know his name means bane, ruin?
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In Old Norse, Bolverker means malefactor, evildoer. It’s also another name for Odin.
Bressal comes to us from Medieval Ireland, and it means strife, war.
In Mayan mythology, Cabrakan was the god of mountains and earthquakes. His name even means earthquake!
In Breton, a language originating in northwestern France, the name Corentin may mean hurricane.
In Basque, Ekaitz means storm.
Means drought in Mongolian.
In the Dinka language of South Sudan, Monyyak means man of the drought.
In the show Avatar: The Last Airbender, Ozai is the main antagonist.
His name is a combination of the Chinese characters meaning fire, flame, proud, arrogant, and disaster.
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In Greek mythology, Phobetor was the personification of nightmares. His name means fear, terror, fright.
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Rafferty is Irish for flood tide and can also be a last name.
In Japanese mythology, the thunder and storm god is known as Raijin. Some regions call him Raiden. His name is a combination of the terms for thunder and lightning.
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In the Sotho language of northern South Africa, Seholo means disaster.
Topan means hurricane, typhoon in Indonesian. Taufan shares the same meaning. Typhoon would make an interesting name too, especially if you’re looking for a character name that means disaster.
Toshqin means flood in Uzbek.
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Unisex names meaning disaster
Still looking for the perfect name meaning disaster? These unisex names may be related to ruin, destruction, or natural disasters.
In Turkish, Goksel means flood from the sky or sky torrent.
In the Kongo language of Africa, Makiadi means misfortune.
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How does a name meaning avalanche fit with our theme? Nadare is a unisex Japanese name.
Nhamo means disaster in the African Shona language. It’s the name of the main character in Nancy Farmer’s book A Girl Named Disaster.
In Malagasay, a language spoken in Madagascar, Sendra means accidental, by chance.
Storm is a great unisex name relating to disasters. Of course, it comes from the English word. The names Stormy and Tempest also make interesting names with the same vibe.
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Of course, Tsunami is the Japanese word for tidal wave. It is also a male and female name.
Frequently Asked Questions
What name means destructive?
The following names mean destructive: Abaddon, Alexideios, Balsinde, Deilochos, Deiphobos, Letum, and Thanatos.
What name means chaos?
The following names mean chaos: Apophis, Chora, Khaos, and Tiamat.
What name means misfortune?
The following names mean misfortune: Anaya, Bolverkr, and Makiadi.
Wrap up- Names That Mean Disaster
We hope that reading these names that mean disaster didn’t ruin your day! Share your favorites in the comments!
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