Fairy Names (467 Name Ideas For Fae, Pixies and Nymphs)
Fairy names can come from any culture around the world. Many are closely related to nature, particularly trees and flowers. Others are simply fantastical, magical names.
Fairy Names
When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.
-J.M.Barrie, Peter Pan
In Edmund Spenser’s epic poem The Fairie Queene first published in 1590, Acrasia seduced knights and brought them to her Bower of Bliss. In other works, she is known as Alcina or Armida.
The unique name Adilyn means noble.
Soft, ethereal names with letters like m, n, l, and lots of vowels are perfect for fairies.
Ailil means elf, beauty, in Old Irish. He was the wife of the fairy Queen Mab.
Aisha means living, alive in Arabic.
Finding elegant male fairy names is difficult. Aldus sounds perfect to me- distinguished, yet it is reminiscent of the alder tree, linking it to nature.
Alma means nourishing, soul, or young woman. This simple, gentle name sounds nearly mythological.
Take the Fair Face of Woman, and Gently Suspending, With Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending, Thus Your Fairy is Made of Most Beautiful Things
-Sophie Gengembre
Amoretta is the perfect fairy name! First, it’s the name of a character in Spencer’s The Fairie Queene. Second, it’s also a variation on Amoret, the name of Cupid in fine art.
Finally, it’s comes from the word amore, which is Italian for love.
Amren is the name of a powerful fae in Sarah J. Maas ‘A Court of Thorns and Roses‘ series.
In Shakespeare’s play The Tempest, Ariel is a fairy, spirit, or sprite rescued by the magician Prospero from the evil witch Sycorax.
While we know Ariel as a female name today, when The Tempest was published in 1611, it was a male name.
When the sun itself was eyeless and dark,
And the earth was wrapped in a starry night,
And the only lights that the eyes might mark
Were the cold still spheres of a moon snow-white;
Ev’n then, of the dew and the crystal air,
And the moonray mild, were the Asrai made;
And they walked and mused in the midnight air.
The Asrai, by Robert Buchanan[
Asrai are aquatic fairies of England. These pale, gentle fae fear sunlight and are rumored to be older than humanity.
The female name Chloris comes from the Greek word for pale green. In Greek mythology, she was a minor goddess of vegetation.
This gorgous name means sky, and it’s also the name of Link’s fairy companion in The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass.
This mischievous fairy loves drinking and he tends to haunt breweries, pubs, and wine houses in Ireland. He also loves to play pranks
While some believe there is only one being known as Cluricaun, others have named specific Cluricaun individuals, such as
- Naggeneen, in the folktale The Haunted Cellar
- Little Wildbean, from Fairy Mythology
- Kweequel
- Nuala
- Gratchling Gourdborne Goldmouth
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While Elaine is not necessarily a name for a fairy, it comes from Arthurian legend, giving it a mystical feel.
Fairy Godmother
We all know her from Cinderella. In Italian, her name is Smemorina.
Other fairy godmothers from fairy tales and stories around the world include
- Blackstick (The Rose and the Ring)
- Cosmo and Wanda (The Fairly OddParents)
- Lady Lilith de Tempscire and Magrat Garlick (Witches Abroad)
- Leanansidhe (The Dresden Files)
- Tabitha (Legends of Tomorrow)
In Irish mythology, Finvarra is the king of all fairies. Sometimes he is called Finvara, Finn Bheara, Finbeara or Fionnbharr. His wife is named Nuala.
While he is responsible for good harvests, he is also a chess master, breeds strong horses, and gives treasure to those who assist him.
The gorgeous name Florimell comes from the Latin words for flower and honey.
Fenodyree is a fairy or pixie from the Isle of Man that carries out chores to help humans.
Related: Ethereal Names
According to French folklore, the fairy known as Genesta raised the hero in the tale Heart of Ice.
Gwragedd Annwn
Gwragedd Annwn are a type of beautiful Welsh water fairy.
Heriodas, also known as Erodiade, Aradia, Arada, Irodiada, Minerva, and Noctiluca, is an Italian spirit fairy cursed to wander the sky forever.
Iolanthe is a fairy in the opera Iolanthe; or, The Peer and the Peri, which premiered in 1882. It might come from the Greek terms for violet flower.
In Iroquois legend, the Jogah, or drum dancers are tiny, invisible people who enjoy playing tricks. A few specific jogah include
- Gahonga
- Gandayah
- Ohdow
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While we are all familiar with the stereotypical green-clad leprechaun with his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, historically, they were quite different.
They often wore red coats with 7 rows of 7 gold buttons. They often wore ruffed collars or sleeves or even jackets with coattails.
Some notable Leprechauns include
- Lucky
- Brian Connors
- Hornswoggle
In France, Lutin, a type of fairy, can turn invisible at a whim and fly without wings. He’s often found wearing a red hat with 2 feathers
O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you.
She is the fairies’ midwife, and she comes
In shape no bigger than an agate-stone
On the fore-finger of an alderman…
Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, Act I, Scene IV
While Shakespeare refers to the fairy queen as Mab, she is also known as Habundia, Mabel, Mabd, and Mabily.
All of her names come from the Latin word for lovable
In the French fairy tale The Green Dragon, Magotine, an evil fairy, places a spell on the dragon.
You can read the entire fairy tale here.
While evil fairy godmothers are uncommon, a few notable ones include
- Maleficent
- Carabosse
- Mazilla
- Lagrée
- Nabote
- Pernicia
- Odelia
In the 1902 The Green Fairy Book by Andrew Lang, Marsonite is a good fairy who assists the protagonists in the tale Heart of Ice.
Merriweather, Fauna and Flora
Sleeping Beauty’s three fairy godmothers each give her a gift at her christening.
In the Disney film Maleficent, their names are instead Knotgrass, Flittle and Thistlewit.
Morgan le Fey
She who is first among them is more skilled in the healing art, and also surpasses her sisters in beauty. Morgen is her name, and she has learned what useful properties all the herbs contain, so that she can cure the body ills. She knows, too, the art by which to change her shape, and to fly through the air, like Daedalus, on strange wings.
-Geoffrey of Monnouth
Morgan le Fay, which translates to Morgan the Fairy is a legendary enchantress from legends about King Arthur. She is also known as
- Morgana
- Morganna
- Morgaina
- Morgine
- Morgne
- Morgane
- Morgant
- Morgante
- Morgen
- Morguein
- Morganda
- Orvan
- Argante
- Argane
- Feimurgân
- Marguel
Traditionally, her husband is King Urian and she has a son named Yvain. In some tales, her son is Passelion or Mabuz and daughter is Morganette.
Her sisters are, according to various legends
- Elayne
- Morgase
- Moronoe
- Mazoe
- Gliten
- Glitonea
- Gliton
- Tyronoe
- Thiten
- Thiton
Related: Names from Middle Earth
Hey, listen! Have you considered this unique fairy name from Legend of Zelda?
The name Nuala (pronounced new-lah) comes from the name of the queen of the Irish fairies. Her name is sometimes represented as Oona, Oonagh, Una, or Uonaidh.
Oberon is the king of the fairies in medieval and renaissance literature. He is even noted in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
His name actually means “elf king.” The Old German name Alberich, meaning elf king, evolved into Alberon and then Auberon.
The medieval Scots poem Greysteil includes a fey named Oriande, who may have been inspired by Morgan le Fay
In Persian mythology, Peri are beautiful, exquisite, winged creatures. Many consider them to be a type of fairy since they are mischievous and harmed by iron.
Others believe they are cousins of the jinn, or angels who were denied entrance to paradise until they atone for their sins.
Related post: Female Elf Names in Lord of the Rings
Also spelled pisky, pixy, pixi, pizkie, piskie or pigsie, these mischievous beings inhabit underground barrows and stone circles.
Since they often have ragged clothes, pixies have a weakness for fine garments. Specific pixies include
- Omfra
- Joan the Torch, Queen of the Pixies
Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream immortalized the mischievous fairy Puck, also known as Robin Goodfellow, or Hobgoblin.
In Welsh, this imp is called Pwca, which is and his Irish incarnation is known as Phouka, Pooka or Puca. In Germany, rhis trickster fae is known as Nische Puk, Niss, and other similar names.
While cultures have their opinions on whether the small creature with the unknown name is an imp, fairy, demon, they all have interesting names for him
- Barabay
- Barrabás
- Cvilidreta (whine-screamer)
- Eiman
- Gilitrutt
- Hopskukkeli
- Jasil el Trasgu
- Joaidane
- Khlamushka
- Koutsokaliyéris
- Martin Zvonek
- Martinko Klingáč
- Pancimanci
- Päronskaft (pear stem)
- Rampelník
- Repelsteeltje
- Rompanruoja
- Rompelimbrá
- Rompeltisquillo
- Rumplcimprcampr
- Ruidoquedito (Little noise)
- Špicparkeljc (pointy-hoof)
- Tees Mar Khan
- Titelitury
- Tittelintuure
- Tom Tit Tot
- Trasgolisto
- Tremolín
- Tremotino (little earthquake)
- Tiribilitín
- Tűzmanócska
Another Legend of Zelda character, Saria is Link’s childhood companion.
Sookie is a fairy character in the True Blood series and the Southern Vampire Mysteries book on which it is based. Sookie is actually a nickname for Susan or Susannah in the southern US. It means lily.
Sugar Plum Fairy
Sugar Plum Fairies appears at dawn during birdsong choruses. These faries were the inspiration for Tchaikovsky’s Dance of the Sugar Plum Faries in The Nutcracker.
Some of their names include
- Victoria
- Prunella
- Mirabelle
- Diva
- Damson
- Ruby Sweet
- Reine Claude
- Angelina
- Pearl
- D’Agen
- Santa Rosa
- Doris
- Laroda
- Queen Rosa
- Kelsey
- Ivanovka
Tinker Bell
Perhaps one of the most famous faries, spirited, jealous Tinker Bell glowed brightest for Peter Pan and speinkled children with fairy dust to let them fly. Author J M Barrie introduced her to the world in his 1904 play and his 1911 book, Peter and Wendy.
While she is known as Disney’s unofficial mascot, you might not know that her voice is the sound of a tinkling bell. And she is actually a tinker who mends pots and kettles for the fairy folk.
In the first draft of the play, her name was actually Tippy-toe.
Other fairies from various Peter Pan themed books, movies and shows include
- Fireflyer
- Forget-Me-Not
- Oberon
- Gloriana
- Cloe
- Dewey
- Fawn
- Fern
- Glimmer
- Gliss
- Iridessa
- Ivy
- Lilac
- Milori
- Lumina
- Lyria
- Marina
- Redleaf
- Hyacinth
- Sunflower
- Snowflake
- Nyx
- Periwinkle
- Clarion
- Rosetta
- Scribble
- Silvermist
- Spike
- Vidia
- Viola
- Zarina
- Zephyr
- Sweetpea
- Bess
- Fira
- Lily
- Prilla
- Rani
- Cinda
- Grace
- Liesel
- Rhia
- Duncan
- Elwood
- Ginger
- Glissandra
- Humidia
- Hydrangea
- Idalia
- Luminaria
- Luna
- Magnolia
- Melina
- Mixie
- Nettle
- Nilsa
- Nollie
- Olwen
- Pell
- Pluck
- Quill
- Rune
- Scarlet
- Sera
- Spring
- Temma
- Twire
- Violet
- Wisp
- Zuzu
In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Titania is Oberon’s wife and queen of the fairies. Shakes was inspired by Ovid’s Metamorphoses, which used the name Titania for the daughters of the mythical titans.
A knight from the age of King Arthur, his name means “three loves.”
Celtic fairy names
The following Celtic fairy names range from types of creatures to the names of specific fairies. Celtic words sound ethereal and mystical, making them perfect fairy names.
- Aos Si
- Bean sídhe
- Leanan Sidhe
- Siabhra
- Abarta
- Abhartach
- Alp-luachra
- Bean nighe/Caoineag
- Banshee
- Cat sìth
- Cù Sìth
- Changeling
- Clíodhna
- Clurichaun
- Dobhar-chú
- Dullahan
- Ellén Trechend
- Fachen
- Far darrig
- Fear gorta
- Am Fear Liath Mòr
- Fetch
- Fuath
- Gancanagh
- Ghillie Dhu / Gille Dubh
- Glaistig/Glashtyn
- Leanan Sídhe / Leannan Sìth
- Leprechaun
- Merrow
- Oilliphéist
- Púca
- Sluagh
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Irish Fairy Names
According to Irish folklore, it was bad luck to say the word fairy. So they use a number of beautiful euphemisms:
- Ailill
- Aingil Anúabhair: “Proud angels”
- Daoine Uaisle’: “The noble folk”
- Daoine maithe: “Good people”
- Deamhna Aerig: “Air demons”
- Dream Anúabhair: “Excessively proud [people]”
- Sídhfir: “Immortal men”
- Sídheógaídhe: “Little immortals”
- Slúagh Cille: “Host of the churchyard”
- Slúagh na Marbh: “Host of the dead”
- Slúagh Sídhe: “Immortal host”
- Slúagh-Sídhe-Thúatha-Dé-Danann: “Immortal host of the Túatha Dé Danann”
- na Uaisle: “The noble” or “The highborn
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Welsh Fairy Names
Welsh names sound exotic and magical, and these Welsh fairy names are no exception:
- Ellyllon
- Coblynau
- Bwbachod
- Gwragedd Annwn
- Gwyllion
- Finodrerr
- Tylwyth Teg
- Bendith y Mamau
- Sili go Dwt
- Sili ffrit
Fairy Names from The Faerie Queene
Edmund Spencer published an epic poem called The Faerie Queene in 1590. It included hundreds of characters such as knights, noble ladies, and fairies. Some include:
- Abessa
- Acrasia
- Adicia
- Aladine
- Aldus
- Alma
- Amavia
- Amoret
- Amoretta
- Amyas
- Artegall
- Aesculapias
- Belgae
- Belphoebe
- Briana
- Caelia
- Calepine
- Calidore
- Cambina
- Cambine
- Canacee
- Chrysogonee
- Claribell
- Clarin
- Clarinda
- Corceca
- Corflambo
- Coridone
- Crudor
- Cymodoce
- Dolon
- Duessa
- Duron
- Elissa
- Enias
- Fidessa
- Fleurdelis
- Florimell
- Glauce
- Gloriana
- Hellenore
- Kirkrapine
- Lucifera
- Malbecco
- Malecasta
- Maleger
- Malengin
- Mammon
- Marinell
- Matilde
- Medina
- Meliboe
- Melissa
- Mercilla
- Mordant
- Morpheus
- Munera
- Paridell
- Pastorella
- Perissa
- Phaedria
- Phaon
- Placidas
- Poeana
- Pollente
- Samient
- Sanglier
- Scudamore
- Serena
- Souldan
- Talus
- Tanaquill
- Timias
- Triamond
- Tristram
- Trompart
- Una
More fairy names inspired by nature
Since fairies are often associated with the natural world, nature-themed names are perfect for them:
- Acorn
- Alder
- Aster
- Basil
- Bloom
- Blossom
- Bluebell
- Burdock
- Buttercup
- Chamomile
- Chestnut
- Daffodil
- Dandelion
- Foxglove
- Gorse
- Hawthorn
- Holly
- Honeysuckle
- Hydrangea
- Iolanthe
- Iris
- Laurel
- Lilac
- Lily
- Magnolia
- Maple
- Nettle
- Oak
- Pansy
- Peony
- Poppy
- Root
- Rose
- Rosehip
- Rosette
- Rowan
- Snowdrop
- Sweetpea
- Thistle
- Tulip
- Viola
- Violet
- Willow
Musical Fairy Names
Fae often love music and dancing. Many of these elegant Italian words make wonderful names for fairies:
- Adagio
- Allegretto
- Allegro
- Andantino
- Aria
- Arietta
- Arioso
- Arpeggio
- Balletto
- Bravura
- Cabriole
- Campana
- Carol
- Concerto
- Contralto
- Crescendo
- Fermata
- Flamenco
- Fortissimo
- Glissanda
- Harmony
- Harp
- Lentando
- Lyra
- Lyric
- Maestro
- Melody
- Minuet
- Opus
- Piccolo
- Pizzicato
- Samba
- Serenade
- Sonata
- Staccato
- Symphony
- Tempo
- Timpani
- Tune
- Virtuoso
- Waltz
More Fairy Names
- Chiffon
- Cosmo
- Diva
- Ether
- Fantasia
- Iridessa
- Lace
- Lumina
- Presto
- Tamani
- Tulle
- Wanda
- Zephyr
Related post: Names that mean Magic
Dark Fairy Names
These dark fairy names have a touch of magic and an aura of gloom, foreboding, or evil:
- Akiva
- Aldus
- Amren
- Annise
- Banshee
- Calidore
- Chiro
- Cobweb
- Dione
- Dirge
- Discord
- Echo
- Eitri
- Eolande
- Eris
- Furioso
- Herodias
- Iolanthe
- Ishtar
- Lacrimoso
- Lament
- Lempatrix
- Lier
Related: Names meaning dark magic
- Mab
- Magotine
- Mazu
- Melusine
- Morwen
- Neroli
- Nettle
- Niall
- Nixie
- Nocturne
- Nyx
- Oberon
- Oriande
- Puck
- Riven
- Saradine
- Siofra
- Taboret
- Theomacha
- Undine
- Xamet
Related: Dark-sounding names
Source: Faries World has fantastic inspiration as well!
Wrap Up
I hope you’ve enjoyed the hundreds of ideas for fairy names in this post!