Names That Mean Poison – 111 Interesting Ideas for Boys and Girls

Names That Mean Poison – 111 Interesting Ideas for Boys and Girls

Looking for unique names that tap into your inner darkness? How about a name that means poison?

If you’re interested in horror and goth culture, it may seem endearing to use a name that means poison. 

Poison is often closely related to evil intentions and corrupting ideas, so not everyone is brave enough to travel to the snake’s den and look up such names.

Luckily for you, I am! 

In this article, I listed a huge trove of names related to all things poison—venom, toxins, and even poisonous plants. These are some of the most elegant names that mean poison, and they’re guaranteed to grab your attention!

BOY Names That Mean Poison 

Names That Mean Poison


The name Armitox comes from the combination of two Latin words, armiger and tox. It means ‘poison bearer.’


This meaningful yet attractive name comes from the Hindu community. Brhadvisa is inspired by the Sanskrit word ‘visha,’ which means extremely poisonous. Spooky, isn’t it?


Fani is a French name that translates to snake or ‘the hood of a poisonous snake.’ The name also means free-willed and independent, which is good news if you’re in doubt about the poison-related meaning.

Names That Mean Poison


Hemlock is the name of a poison that was used in Ancient Greece to kill condemned prisoners. All fans of Greek history probably know it because it was famously used to kill Socrates and Theramenes.


Halimaka may seem like a girl’s name, but it’s actually a masculine name that means ‘poison spewing.’ It originates from India with Sanskrit as its root language. 


This name came from the state of Gujarat in India and means poisonous. Aside from its original meaning, it’s often used to represent the head of an army. 


This name is inspired by a toxic plant named Poison Ivy that produces harmful allergens. Unlike most other names on this list, it’s short and easy to pronounce. 

Poison Ivy is also the name of a movie and the supervillain who starred in it.


Mamba is a fast-moving poisonous snake that’s commonly found in East Africa. It happens to be one of the most poisonous snakes in the world, giving the name a new layer of depth!

You may be already familiar with this name thanks to the late basketball star Kobe Bryant. He nicknamed himself ‘the mamba’ after the movie Kill Bill. 


Rancor is a word often used to describe a bitter-tasting or poisonous liquid. It also has a bunch of other meanings, none of which are pleasant. 

The name can mean hate, resentment, and ill will. 


Spite usually refers to the act of seeing someone experience pain or distress, which is quite similar to the feeling when someone consumes a poisonous substance. 


Veneno is Italian for ‘toxic substance’ or ‘stinging sensation.’ It’s also the name of the infamous Lamborghini model that was released to celebrate the brand’s 50th anniversary.

Funny story: Lamborghini only made five Venenos, making it extremely rare and expensive. It’s an interesting name for a special kid!


Venom is a synonym of the word poison. In Latin, it means magical charm and potent drug.


If you’re not into Latin or Indian names, you may consider Viper. It’s the name of a dangerous, poisonous snake found in most parts of the world.

Find more name ideas: Names that mean Snake

GIRL Names That Mean Poison

Names That Mean Poison


Adikarah is one of many names of the Hindu lord Shiva who has a poisonous serpent wrapped around his neck. 

The name isn’t directly related to poison, so it might be a nice option if you don’t want a directly poisonous name!


Halima is the feminine version of the name Halimaka, which means “poison-spewing.” However, thankfully, the name also has some pleasant meanings. In Arabic, it means forbearing, gentle, and generous. Its literal translation is ‘dreamer.’


Rafflesia is a famous flower known for its peculiar looks and large size, with some flowers growing up to 3 feet in height. Despite its beauty, this flower is also famously poisonous. If you’re looking for names that mean poisonous flower, this is the one to choose!


Solanine is a dangerous poison from the nightshade family, and I’ll admit that it has a nice ring to it!

You might also enjoy this collection of Names that mean Gluttony.

Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Poison


Krait is a popular venomous snake that belongs to the cobra family and commonly lives in Asia. The word is originally Indian, but the snake can also be found in Pakistan and Southeastern Asia.


Oleander is an English word that refers to a poisonous flowering shrub. Despite its pretty appearance and pink color, oleander is extremely toxic—only one leaf is enough to kill an adult.


Mordred is a Welsh word that translates to bitter and poisonous.


If you’re a fan of Greek mythology, you’re probably already familiar with Medea. She’s supposedly a Sorceress who seeks revenge with poison as her chosen weapon, and she’s the daughter of King Aeëtes.


Tempest is an English word that means poisonous in nature or stormy. It’s a nice gender-neutral name without a direct relation to poison.

89 More Names Associated With Poison

Names That Mean Poison

More Names That Mean Poison

While the word poison does have a specific definition and endless translations, we often use it in a broad sense to mean something harmful, deadly, or otherwise dangerous. 

Here are some names that are synonymous with poison:

  1. Carcinogen
  2. Corrosion 
  3. Mutagen
  4. Pollution 
  5. Radiation 
  6. Teratogen
  7. Toxic
  8. Toxin 
  9. Venom

Japanese Names That Mean Poison

If you’re interested in Japanese culture, you’d be happy to know that the Japanese language packs some poison-related words that you can use as names. Here are a few:

  1. Akui
  2. Dokugiri
  3. Dokuyaku
  4. Gaidoku
  5. Dooku

Names of Famous People Related To Poison

Many people throughout history were poisoners or poisoned. Here are just a few to get you thinking:

  1. Agrippina allegedly poisoned her husband, Emperor Claudius, using a mushroom
  2. Alan Turing died after eating an apple injected with cyanide 
  3. Anna Marie Hahn is an American serial poisoner
  4. Demosthenes was a Greek politician who committed suicide using poison
  5. Lucrezia Borgia is an alleged poisoner who used a hollow ring to poison drinks with arsenic
  6. Nannie Doss is a notorious American poisoner also known as Black Widow
  7. Paracelsus is known as the father of toxicology
  8. Romanus, Emperor of the Byzantine dynasty, died of poison
  9. Socrates famously killed himself by drinking hemlock
  10. Vera Renczi is a Romanian woman who poisoned at least 35 people with arsenic 

Types of Poisons

  1. Arsenic 
  2. Cyanide 
  3. Lead
  4. Mercury 
  5. Pesticide
  6. Phosgene
  7. Ricin
  8. Sarin
  9. Strychnine 
  10. Thallium 

Venomous Animals

Names That Mean Poison

Did you know that venomous animals sting or bite to inject poison? While the idea isn’t particularly pleasant, their names make great inspiration for names that mean poison. 

Here’s a roundup:

  1. Black widow
  2. Brown recluse
  3. Centipede 
  4. Deathstalker scorpion 
  5. Fire salamander 
  6. Gila monster 
  7. Komodo dragon 
  8. Lionfish
  9. Man o war jellyfish 
  10. Platypus
  11. Snakes
    • Boomslang
    • Copperhead
    • Fer-de-lance
    • Mamba
    • Viper
  12. Stingray
  13. Tarantula 

Poisonous Animals

The difference between venomous and poisonous animals is that poisonous animals cause poisoning only if they’re eaten. 

Here’s a short selection to use as an inspiration for names that mean poison:

  1. Barracuda 
  2. Blister beetle
  3. Blue-ringed octopus 
  4. Cane toad
  5. Monarch butterfly 
  6. Poison dart frog

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Poisonous Plants

Names That Mean Poison

Nature isn’t short on poisonous plants. If you’re a fan of these deadly fellows, here’s a roundup of names of poisonous plants to use as inspiration.

  1. Aconite
  2. Anthurium
  3. Baneberry
  4. Belladonna 
  5. Bloodroot
  6. Bracken
  7. Buckthorn
  8. Cocklebur
  9. Deathcamas
  10. Foxglove 
  11. Hellebore
  12. Hemlock
  13. Henbane
  14. Hogweed
  15. Larkspur
  16. Mandrake
  17. Mistletoe 
  18. Monkshood
  19. Moonflower
  20. Moonseed
  21. Nightshade 
  22. Oleander 
  23. Pennyroyal
  24. Poinsettia 
  25. Poison ivy
  26. Poison oak
  27. Poison sumac
  28. Pokeweed
  29. Redoul
  30. Snakeroot
  31. Snowdrop
  32. Stinkweed
  33. Strychnine 
  34. Thimbleweed
  35. Windflower
  36. Wolfsbane
Names That Mean Poison

Resource: We use Behind the Name to research name meanings, history, and popularity.

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