Diaper Stockpile Calculator: How Many Diapers Does a Baby Use By Size?
Did you know the average baby uses over 6,000 diapers before they are potty trained? As such, many parents-to-be want to stockpile diapers to take advantage of sales and discounts. Which leads to the question: How many diapers does a baby use by size?
Use the calculator results to help estimate the number of diapers you’ll need. But I do not recommend going out and buying 6,000 diapers all at once!
- Click here to skip down for an example!
- Or click here to see where I got the data for these calculations
Example: Many babies don’t fit the mold!
For example, my baby is larger than average (80th percentile) so I’d expect her to match up pretty well with the 75th percentile used in the calculations.
Instead, she was in size 4 diapers for only about 3 months instead of the predicted 9 months! Probably because her little legs and tummy were so pudgy! Or maybe she spent longer in size 3 and could have gone up to size 4 earlier.
Anyways, what I’m saying, is take this information with a grain of salt.
Background data used to build the calculator:
- I performed similar calculations in my post Average Cost of Disposable Diapers per Year, click to read about the math
- Baby’s weight and age information: CDC and WHO growth charts
- Diaper size guides: Pampers, Huggies, and Honest
- I assumed the baby would go up a diaper size as soon as they hit the lower weight limit of the next size up
- Potty training age: American Academy of Pediatrics
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