How Can I Play With My Toddler When I Have A Newborn?
New babies are a big change for everyone in the family; for toddlers, their entire world shifts. For as long as they can remember, the current family dynamic has been the only one they know and trust.
Bringing home a new baby can create a lot of new emotions and potentially some regressions for your toddler. Know that this is normal, and they just need support and reassurance that they are loved, and their new normal will be just as great as life before the new baby.
If you are stressed out and wondering, “How can I play with my toddler when I have a newborn?”, we see you! For decades, parents have been reading books and scouring the internet for the right answer. Fortunately, there are some pretty clever and reasonable ways to keep your toddler entertained, happy, and cared for while you transition to having another baby in your home.
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Try Baby-Wearing
There are so many quality baby-wearing products available to parents and caretakers. Some are more complicated than others and may take some trial and error to put them on correctly and get your baby situated the first few times.
But practice makes perfect, and it gives you two free hands to play with your toddler while making sure your baby is settled. Newborns, as you know, are very soothed when being held close in the early months of their life. The more you wear your baby, the closer your bond will be, and it allows you to continue having time to spend with your toddler. Two birds, one stone!
Some popular brands for baby-wearing are Ergo Baby for the carrier style, Solly Baby for the wrap, and WildBird for the ring sling style.
Prioritize Time For Just The Two Of You
If it’s possible in your schedule, set aside time for just the two of you so they still have that consistency in their life. Maybe you always put them to bed at night or take a morning stroll around the neighborhood. Continue doing those things as much as you can to show your child that although there is a new baby in the house, they are still your priority.
Keeping things consistent will help your child transition to being a big brother or sister more smoothly. If everything changes all at once and suddenly they aren’t spending any time with you, they are more likely to struggle with accepting a new baby into their universe.
Play During The Baby’s Naps
In the first 3 months of their life, your newborn will sleep anywhere from 14-17 hours in a 24-hour period. Most naps are on the shorter side because the baby will need to eat between every 2-3 hours. That gives you about a 1-2 hour window to get some serious playtime with your toddler.
Plan ahead if necessary so you can make the most of your time together. Whether you’ve prepared a fun project or craft that you can work on, take them to their favorite playground or park, or just head outside for a game or activity in your yard.
Whatever you’re doing, know that playtime is an incredibly valuable experience to share with your children. It builds confidence, contributes to their social and emotional well-being, and lets you fully engage without any distractions, devices, or crying babies.
Ask Your Child To Help Take Care Of The Baby
When a sibling gets jealous of the new baby and misbehaves, they test boundaries to figure out where they belong in this new dynamic.
The best way to avoid behavioral issues with your child is to make sure you involve them in the responsibilities of caring for the baby. Let them hold the baby’s bottle when you are feeding him, or ask your child to help gently burp the baby after a bottle. Your toddler can help with bathtime, singing songs as they drift off to sleep, or comforting the baby when it cries.
Asking for your child’s help will make them feel included, important, and can even help them form a bond with their new sibling.
Read Books And Play Games While You’re Feeding The Baby
During feeding time, whether you’re nursing or bottle-feeding, there’s not a lot you can do besides the task at hand. Baby needs to be comfortable and supported, you’ve got one hand holding the bottle or readjusting to get into a comfortable position.
There’s not a lot you can do to entertain a toddler in this moment!
Have your child pick his favorite books and sit next to you on the couch or at the table. You can read together, talk about the pictures in the story, and ask about their favorite parts of the book.
Older toddlers may enjoy playing simple games like I Spy and Simon Says, which can be done from any room in the house without having to get up or move around.
Related post: Here are some key tips and ninja moves on how to pump with a newborn and a toddler.
Create A Toddler Play Area
Many parents who have wondered, “How can I play with my toddler when I have a newborn?” have gotten clever and created a toddler area in the home with some of their child’s favorite toys, books, and other items they use during the day. This space should be in the part of the house where you spend most of the time with the new baby, like the family room or main living space.
You can create a barrier using a baby gate for the play area to make it extra special for your child. Having their own space in the family room will encourage your toddler to hang out near the baby, whether you’re feeding him or he’s lounging in the DockATot or bassinet. You are teaching your child to coexist, and that this is their new normal!
Accept And Ask For Help
Some parents underestimate the adjustment that comes with two children at home. It can be tough! Trusted friends and family members may offer their help in the form of babysitting, feeding duty for the baby, or just another set of hands at home while you recover from delivery.
Whatever help you feel comfortable accepting, take it! If a family member offers to watch the baby for an hour, take the opportunity to do something fun with your toddler. If your partner gets home from work and the baby is napping, grab your toddler and hit the park for a few minutes!
Related post: How To Survive The First Few Weeks With A Newborn and A Toddler
Wrap Up – How can I play with my toddler when I have a newborn?
As parents, we learn to adapt and adjust much quicker than we give ourselves credit. Bringing home a new baby is a major life change for everyone, not just your toddler! Make sure to be patient with your child and explain that things may be different for a while, but soon you will get into a routine that works for everyone, and they won’t remember life without their little sibling.